مندرجات کا رخ کریں


ویکی لغت سے
  1. rabbit
  2. rabbitry
  3. rabble
  4. rabid
  5. race
  6. raceme
  7. racial
  8. racist
  9. rack
  10. racket
  11. racketeer
  12. raconteur
  13. radial
  14. radian
  15. radiance
  16. radiant
  17. radiate
  18. radical
  19. radically
  20. radix
  21. raff
  22. raffle
  23. rafter
  24. rag
  25. ragamuffin
  26. rage
  27. rags
  28. ragtag
  29. raid
  30. raider
  31. rail
  32. railing
  33. raillery
  34. raiment
  35. rain
  36. rainbow
  37. raincoat
  38. rainy season
  39. rainy
  40. raise
  41. raised
  42. raisin
  43. rake
  44. rakish
  45. ram
  46. ramble
  47. rambling
  48. ramified
  49. rampant
  50. rampart
  51. ramshackle
  52. ranch
  53. rancorous
  54. rancour
  55. rand
  56. random
  57. range
  58. rank
  59. ransom
  60. rant
  61. rap
  62. rapacious
  63. rape seed
  64. rape
  65. rapeseed
  66. rapid
  67. rapidity
  68. rapids
  69. rapine
  70. rapport
  71. rapprochement
  72. rapt
  73. raptor
  74. rapture
  75. rare
  76. rarely
  77. rareness
  78. rascal
  79. rascality
  80. rash
  81. rashly
  82. rasp
  83. raspy
  84. ratchet
  85. rate
  86. rather
  87. ratification
  88. ratified
  89. ratify
  90. rating
  91. ratio
  92. ration
  93. rattan
  94. rattle
  95. raunch
  96. raunchy
  97. ravage
  98. raven
  99. ravenous
  100. ravin
  101. ravine
  102. raving
  103. ravish
  104. raw
  105. rawness
  106. raze
  107. razed
  108. razzia
  109. razzle dazzle
  110. re enactment
  111. re enforce
  112. re enter
  113. reach
  114. reaching
  115. react
  116. reaction
  117. reactionary
  118. read
  119. reader
  120. readers
  121. readily
  122. readiness
  123. reading
  124. ready
  125. readymade
  126. real
  127. realisable
  128. realisation
  129. realise
  130. realised
  131. realist
  132. realistic
  133. realistically
  134. reality
  135. really
  136. realm
  137. ream
  138. reaming
  139. reanimate
  140. reap
  141. reaping
  142. reappraisal
  143. rear
  144. rearguard
  145. rearing
  146. reason with
  147. reason
  148. reasonable
  149. reasonableness
  150. reassurance
  151. reassure
  152. rebate
  153. rebel
  154. rebellion
  155. rebellious
  156. rebound
  157. rebuff
  158. rebuke
  159. rebus
  160. rebut
  161. rebuttal
  162. recalcitrate
  163. recall
  164. recant
  165. recantation
  166. recapitulate
  167. recaption
  168. recede
  169. receipt
  170. receive
  171. received
  172. receiving
  173. recent
  174. recently
  175. receptacle
  176. reception
  177. receptive
  178. recess
  179. recession
  180. recipe
  181. recipient
  182. reciprocal
  183. reciprocate
  184. reciprocity
  185. recision
  186. recital
  187. recitation
  188. recitative
  189. recite
  190. reck
  191. reckless
  192. recklessly
  193. recklessness
  194. reckon
  195. reckoning
  196. recline
  197. recluse
  198. reclusive
  199. recognise
  200. recognised
  201. recognition
  202. recoil
  203. recollect
  204. recollection
  205. recommend
  206. recommendation
  207. recompense
  208. reconcile
  209. reconciliation
  210. reconciliatory
  211. recondite
  212. reconstitute
  213. reconstruct
  214. record keeper
  215. record
  216. recorded
  217. recording
  218. recount
  219. recover
  220. recoverable
  221. recovered
  222. recovery
  223. recreation
  224. recrimination
  225. recruit
  226. rectangle
  227. rectangular
  228. rectification
  229. rectify
  230. rectitude
  231. recuperate
  232. recur
  233. recurrence
  234. recurrent
  235. recurve
  236. recuse
  237. Red Jasmine
  238. Red Sea
  239. Red snapper
  240. Red Sorrel
  241. red tape
  242. red
  243. redact
  244. redden
  245. redeem
  246. redemption
  247. redness
  248. redolent
  249. redouble
  250. redoubtable
  251. redress
  252. reduce
  253. reducible
  254. reduction
  255. redundance
  256. redundant
  257. reed grass
  258. reed
  259. reek
  260. reel
  261. reeling
  262. reeve
  263. refection
  264. refectory
  265. refel
  266. refer
  267. referee
  268. reference
  269. refill
  270. refine
  271. refinement
  272. refit
  273. reflect
  274. reflected
  275. reflection
  276. reflex
  277. reflexively
  278. reform
  279. reformation
  280. reformatory
  281. reformer
  282. reformism
  283. reformist
  284. refractorily
  285. refractory
  286. refrain
  287. refrainment
  288. refresh
  289. refreshed
  290. refreshing
  291. refreshingly
  292. refreshment
  293. refuge
  294. refugee
  295. refulgence
  296. refulgent
  297. refund
  298. refusal
  299. refuse
  300. refused
  301. refusing
  302. refutation
  303. refute
  304. refuted
  305. regain
  306. regal
  307. regale
  308. regalia
  309. regally
  310. regard
  311. regardful
  312. regardfully
  313. regardfulness
  314. regarding
  315. regardless
  316. regardlessly
  317. regardlessness
  318. regatta
  319. regenerate
  320. regeneration
  321. regenerator
  322. regime
  323. regiment
  324. region
  325. regional
  326. regions
  327. register
  328. registered
  329. registrar
  330. registration
  331. regress
  332. regressive
  333. regret
  334. regrettable
  335. regular
  336. regularity
  337. regulation
  338. regulator
  339. regurgitate
  340. rehabilitate
  341. rehabilitation
  342. rehash
  343. rehearse
  344. reign
  345. reimbursable
  346. reimburse
  347. rein
  348. reincarnation
  349. reindeer
  350. reinforce
  351. reinforcement
  352. reins
  353. reinstate
  354. reinvigorate
  355. reinvigoration
  356. reiterate
  357. reiteration
  358. reiterative
  359. reject
  360. rejected
  361. rejection
  362. rejoice
  363. rejoicing
  364. rejoinder
  365. rejuvenate
  366. rejuvenation
  367. rejuvenator
  368. rejuvenescence
  369. relatable
  370. relate
  371. related
  372. relatedness
  373. relater
  374. relation
  375. relations
  376. relationship
  377. relative
  378. relatively
  379. relativeness
  380. relativism
  381. relativity
  382. relax
  383. relaxation
  384. relaxed
  385. release
  386. relegate
  387. relegation
  388. relent
  389. relentless
  390. relentlessly
  391. relentlessness
  392. relevancy
  393. relevant
  394. reliability
  395. reliable
  396. reliably
  397. reliance
  398. relics
  399. relief
  400. relieve
  401. relieved
  402. religion
  403. religious brooding
  404. religious
  405. religiously
  406. relinquish
  407. relinquished
  408. relinquishment
  409. relish
  410. reluctance
  411. reluctant
  412. rely
  413. remain
  414. remainder
  415. remaining
  416. remains
  417. remanent
  418. remark
  419. remedy
  420. remember
  421. remembrance
  422. remind
  423. reminder
  424. reminiscence
  425. remise
  426. remiss
  427. remission
  428. remit
  429. remnant
  430. remonstrate
  431. remorse
  432. remorseful
  433. remorseless
  434. remote
  435. remotely
  436. remoteness
  437. removal
  438. remove
  439. removed
  440. remover
  441. removing
  442. remunerate
  443. remuneration
  444. renaissance
  445. rend
  446. render
  447. rendezvous
  448. rendition
  449. renegade
  450. renege
  451. renew
  452. renewal
  453. renitent
  454. renounce
  455. renovate
  456. renown
  457. rent
  458. renunciation
  459. reoccupy
  460. reopen
  461. reorder
  462. reorganisation
  463. reorganise
  464. reorient
  465. repair
  466. repairman
  467. repand
  468. reparation
  469. reparative
  470. repartee
  471. repartition
  472. repast
  473. repatriate
  474. repatriation
  475. repay
  476. repayment
  477. repeal
  478. repeat
  479. repeatedly
  480. repel
  481. repellent
  482. repelling
  483. repent
  484. repentance
  485. repentant
  486. repercuss
  487. repercussion
  488. repertoire
  489. repetition
  490. repine
  491. replace
  492. replacement
  493. replenish
  494. replenished
  495. replete
  496. replica
  497. replicate
  498. reply
  499. report
  500. reporter
  501. repose
  502. repository
  503. reprehend
  504. reprehension
  505. represent
  506. representation
  507. representative
  508. repress
  509. reprieve
  510. reprimand
  511. reprime
  512. reprint
  513. reprisal
  514. reproach
  515. reproachful
  516. reproaching
  517. reprobate
  518. reprobation
  519. reproduce
  520. reproduction
  521. reproof
  522. reprove
  523. reptile
  524. reptilian
  525. republic
  526. republican
  527. repudiate
  528. repudiation
  529. repugn
  530. repugnance
  531. repulse
  532. repulsing
  533. repulsion
  534. reputation
  535. repute
  536. request
  537. requiem
  538. require
  539. required
  540. requirement
  541. requirements
  542. requisite
  543. requisition
  544. requital
  545. requite
  546. reremouse
  547. rescind
  548. rescinded
  549. rescission
  550. rescue
  551. research
  552. researcher
  553. resemble
  554. resemblence
  555. resembling
  556. resent
  557. resentment
  558. reserve
  559. reserved
  560. reservoir
  561. reset
  562. reside
  563. residence
  564. residency
  565. resident
  566. residuary
  567. residue
  568. resign
  569. resignation
  570. resigned
  571. resin
  572. resist
  573. resistance
  574. resisting
  575. resolute
  576. resolutely
  577. resoluteness
  578. resolution
  579. resolve
  580. resonance
  581. resonant
  582. resort
  583. resound
  584. resounding
  585. resource
  586. resourceful
  587. resourcefulness
  588. respect
  589. respectability
  590. respectable
  591. respected
  592. respectless
  593. respects
  594. respire
  595. respite
  596. resplend
  597. resplendent
  598. respond
  599. respondent
  600. response
  601. responsibility
  602. responsible
  603. rest house
  604. rest
  605. restaurant
  606. restful
  607. resting
  608. restitute
  609. restive
  610. restless
  611. restlessness
  612. restoration
  613. restore
  614. restrain
  615. restrained
  616. restrainer
  617. restraint
  618. restrict
  619. restricted
  620. restriction
  621. restrictive
  622. result
  623. resume
  624. resurge
  625. resurgence
  626. resurgent
  627. resurrection
  628. resuscitate
  629. ret
  630. retail
  631. retailer
  632. retaliate
  633. retaliation
  634. retaliatory
  635. retard
  636. retardation
  637. retch
  638. retention
  639. retentive
  640. retexture
  641. reticent
  642. reticular
  643. retinue
  644. retire
  645. retirement
  646. retiring
  647. retort
  648. retour
  649. retrace
  650. retract
  651. retraction
  652. retreat
  653. retrench
  654. retrenchment
  655. retribute
  656. retribution
  657. retrieval
  658. retrieve
  659. retro
  660. retrocede
  661. retroflex
  662. retrograde
  663. retrospect
  664. retrospection
  665. retrovert
  666. retry
  667. return to
  668. return
  669. returned
  670. returning
  671. reunification
  672. reunion
  673. reunite
  674. revalenta
  675. reveal
  676. revealer
  677. revel
  678. revelation
  679. revelry
  680. revenant
  681. revenge
  682. revenue
  683. reverberate
  684. reverberation
  685. revere
  686. revered
  687. reverence
  688. reverend
  689. reverent
  690. reverential
  691. reverently
  692. reverie
  693. reversal
  694. reverse
  695. reversibility
  696. reversible
  697. reversion
  698. reversionist
  699. revert
  700. review
  701. revile
  702. revilement
  703. revise
  704. revision
  705. revival
  706. revive
  707. revivify
  708. revoke
  709. revoked
  710. revolt
  711. revolution
  712. revolutionary
  713. revolve
  714. revulsion
  715. reward
  716. rewind
  717. rework
  718. rewrite
  719. rhesus
  720. rhetor
  721. rhetoric
  722. rheuma
  723. rheumatism
  724. Rheumatoid arthritis
  725. rhinoceros
  726. rhizome
  727. rhyme
  728. rhyming
  729. rhythm
  730. rhythmic
  731. rhythmical
  732. rhythmically
  733. riant
  734. rib bone
  735. rib
  736. ribald
  737. ribaldry
  738. ribbon
  739. ribs
  740. rice
  741. rich
  742. riches
  743. richness
  744. rick
  745. rickety
  746. ricochet
  747. rid
  748. riddance
  749. riddle
  750. ride
  751. rident
  752. rider
  753. ridicule
  754. ridiculous
  755. rife
  756. riff raff
  757. rifle
  758. rift
  759. rig
  760. right angle
  761. right of pre emption
  762. right of self determination
  763. right of vote
  764. right
  765. righteous
  766. righteousness
  767. rightful claimant
  768. rightist
  769. rightly
  770. rigid
  771. rigidity
  772. rigmarole
  773. rigoll
  774. rigour
  775. rigourous
  776. rile
  777. rill
  778. rim
  779. rima
  780. rind
  781. ring
  782. ringdove
  783. ringleader
  784. ringlet
  785. ringworm
  786. rinse
  787. riot
  788. riotous
  789. rip
  790. riparian
  791. ripe
  792. ripen
  793. ripeness
  794. riposte
  795. ripple
  796. rise
  797. risible
  798. rising
  799. risk
  800. risp
  801. risus
  802. rit
  803. rite
  804. ritual
  805. rival
  806. rivalry
  807. rivals
  808. rive
  809. rivel
  810. rivelled
  811. riven
  812. river bank
  813. river basin
  814. river bed
  815. river shad
  816. river
  817. riverine
  818. rivulet
  819. road roller
  820. road
  821. roadmap
  822. roam
  823. roan
  824. roar
  825. roaring
  826. roast
  827. rob
  828. robbed
  829. robber
  830. robbery
  831. robe
  832. robot
  833. robust
  834. roc
  835. rock
  836. rocky
  837. rod
  838. rodent
  839. rodomontade
  840. roe
  841. rogation
  842. rogue
  843. roguish
  844. roil
  845. roister
  846. roke
  847. role
  848. roll back
  849. roll call
  850. roll up
  851. roll
  852. roller
  853. rollick
  854. rollicking
  855. rolling about
  856. rolling pin
  857. rolling
  858. rom
  859. romance
  860. romantic
  861. romantical
  862. romantically
  863. Romany
  864. romp
  865. rood
  866. roof support
  867. roof
  868. rook
  869. rookie
  870. room
  871. roommate
  872. roomy
  873. roost
  874. rooster
  875. roosting
  876. root out
  877. root
  878. rooted
  879. rooting
  880. rope
  881. rosary
  882. rose apple
  883. rose garden
  884. rose
  885. rosebud
  886. rostrum
  887. rosy
  888. rot
  889. rota
  890. rotary
  891. rotate
  892. rote
  893. rotten
  894. rotter
  895. rotula
  896. rotund
  897. roturier
  898. rouge
  899. rough rider
  900. rough
  901. roughly
  902. roughness
  903. round
  904. roundel
  905. roundness
  906. roup
  907. rouse
  908. rousing
  909. rout
  910. route
  911. routed
  912. routine
  913. routinely
  914. rove
  915. rover
  916. row
  917. rowdy
  918. royal
  919. rub
  920. rubbing
  921. rubbish
  922. rubric
  923. ruby
  924. ruck
  925. ruckus
  926. rud
  927. ruddiness
  928. ruddy
  929. rude
  930. rudeness
  931. rudiment
  932. rudimental
  933. rudimentary
  934. rue
  935. rueful
  936. rufescent
  937. ruff
  938. ruffian
  939. ruffle
  940. rug
  941. rugged
  942. rugose
  943. ruin
  944. ruination
  945. ruined
  946. ruining
  947. ruins
  948. rule
  949. ruler
  950. ruling
  951. rum
  952. rumble
  953. ruminant
  954. ruminate
  955. rumination
  956. rummage
  957. rumour
  958. rump
  959. rumple
  960. rumpus
  961. run away
  962. run down
  963. run into
  964. run
  965. runner
  966. running
  967. rupture
  968. rural
  969. ruse
  970. rush in
  971. rush
  972. russet
  973. rust
  974. rustic
  975. rustle
  976. rusty
  977. ruth
  978. ruthful
  979. ruthless
  980. ruthlessness
  981. rutilant
  982. rythme