زمرہ:انگریزی افعال
زمرہ «انگریزی افعال» میں صفحات
اس زمرہ کے کل 4,033 صفحات میں سے 200 صفحات درج ذیل ہیں۔
(پچھلا صفحہ) (اگلا صفحہ)A
- abalienate
- aband
- abandon
- abase
- abash
- abate
- abbreviate
- abdicate
- abduct
- abet
- abhor
- abide
- abirritate
- abjudge
- abjudicate
- abjure
- ablate
- abolish
- abominate
- abort
- abound
- about your person
- abrade
- abreact
- abrenounce
- abridge
- abrogate
- abscind
- abscond
- absolve
- absorb
- abstain
- absterge
- abstract
- abuse
- abut
- aby
- accede
- accelerate
- accentuate
- accept
- acclaim
- acclimatise
- accommodate
- accompany
- accomplish
- accost
- account
- accourt
- accoutrement
- accumulate
- accuse
- accustom
- ache
- achieve
- achill
- acknowledge
- acoustically
- acquaint
- acquiesce
- acquiescently
- acquire
- acquit
- acridly
- acrimoniously
- act
- act of violence
- act the fool
- activate
- actuate
- adapt
- add
- addict
- address
- adduce
- adduct
- adhere
- adjoin
- adjourn
- adjudicate
- adjuring
- adjust
- administer
- admire
- admit
- admix
- admonish
- adopt
- adore
- adorn
- adsorb
- adulate
- adulterate
- adumbrate
- advance
- advert
- advertise
- advise
- advocate
- aerate
- affect
- affiance
- affiliate
- affirm
- affix
- affix seal
- afflict
- afford
- affranchise
- affright
- affront
- agape
- age
- aggerate
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- agglutinative
- aggrandise
- aggravate
- aggregate
- aggress
- aggrieve
- agitate
- agonise
- agree
- aid
- ail
- aim
- air
- alarm
- alert
- alienate
- alight
- align
- all over
- allay
- allege
- alleviate
- allocate
- allot
- allow
- allude
- allure
- ally
- alter
- am
- amalgamate
- amass
- amaze
- amble
- ambulate
- ameliorate
- amend
- amerce
- amercing
- amortize
- amplify
- amputate
- amuse
- amuse oneself
- an axe to grind
- analogize
- analyse
- anathematize
- anatomize
- anger
- angling
- anneal
- annex
- annihilate
- annotate
- announce
- annoy
- annul
- annunciate
- anoint
- anointing
- answer
- antagonize
- antecede
- antedate
- anthologize
- anticipate
- antithesize
- ape
- aped
- apologise
- apologize
- apostatize
- apostrophize
- apotheosize
- appal
- appall
- apparel
- appeal
- appear
- appear overnight
- appease
- append
- appendage