ماڈیول:Unicode data/دستاویز
یہ ماڈیول:Unicode data کا دستاویزی صفحہ ہے
Data modules
[ترمیم]- Module:Unicode data/aliases: the formal name aliases for characters (from NameAliases.txt)
- Module:Unicode data/blocks: the list of Unicode blocks (from Blocks.txt)
- Module:Unicode data/category: data mapping characters to their General Category (from DerivedGeneralCategory.txt)
- Module:Unicode data/control: data for identifying characters that belong to the General Categories of Separator and Other (from DerivedGeneralCategory.txt)
- Module:Unicode data/combining: data mapping characters to their Combining Classes (from DerivedCombiningClass.txt)
- Module:Unicode data/Hangul: data used to generate the names of Hangul syllables (from Jamo.txt)
- Module:Unicode data/scripts: data mapping characters to Unicode script property (from Scripts.txt)
لوا خطا package.lua میں 80 سطر پر: module 'Module:string utilities' not found۔