زمرہ:انگریزی صفات
زمرہ «انگریزی صفات» میں صفحات
اس زمرہ کے کل 6,356 صفحات میں سے 200 صفحات درج ذیل ہیں۔
(پچھلا صفحہ) (اگلا صفحہ)A
- a demi
- a little
- a part
- abacterial
- abactinal
- abandoned
- abashed
- abatable
- abbreviated
- abdominal
- aberrant
- abhorrent
- abiding
- abject
- abjuratory
- ablaze
- able
- abloom
- abnormal
- abnormous
- aboil
- abolishable
- abominable
- aborted
- abortional
- abortive
- abortive attempt
- abounding
- above and beyond
- above board
- above mentioned
- aboveboard
- abraded
- abrasive
- abridgable
- abridged
- abrogable
- abrogation
- abrogative
- abrupt
- absconding
- absent
- absent minded
- absolute
- absolutist
- absolved
- absorbed
- absorbing
- abstemious
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstracted
- abstruse
- absurd
- abundant
- abusive
- abutting
- abysmal
- academic
- acanthine
- acataleptic
- accelerated
- accendibility
- acceptable
- acceptant
- accepted
- accepting
- acceptive
- accessible
- accessional
- accidental
- accipitral
- acclamatory
- acclimatised
- acclivous
- accolle
- accommodable
- accommodating
- accommodative
- accomodative
- accomplishable
- accomplished
- accomplished person
- accomplishment
- according
- accountable
- accounted
- accredited
- accrued
- accumbent
- accumulatative
- accumulated
- accurate
- accurs
- accursed
- accusable
- accusatory
- accustomary
- accustomed
- acerb
- aceric
- acervative
- acetabular
- acetarious
- acetated
- acetic
- achromatic
- achter
- achy
- acid
- acidity
- aciform
- acinetic
- aciniform
- acknowledgeable
- acknowledged
- acold
- acondylous
- acopic
- acoustic
- acquainted
- acquainted with
- acquiescent
- acquirable
- acquired
- acquiring
- acquisitive
- acquitted
- acrawl
- acrid
- acridity
- acrimonious
- acro
- acroamatic
- acrobatic
- acrock
- acronical
- across the board
- acrotic
- acrtical
- act able
- act in good faith
- actable
- acted
- action packed
- actionable
- actionary
- actionless
- activated
- active
- actual
- actual damage
- actual loss
- actual possession
- actual price
- actuated
- aculeated
- aculeous
- acuminate
- acute
- acute illness
- ad hoc
- ad hominem
- ad infinitum
- ad largum
- ad personam
- ad valorem
- ad verbum
- adante
- adaptable
- adaptive
- added
- addenda
- addicted
- addictive
- additional
- additive
- addle
- addorsed
- addressed
- adducent
- adept
- adherent
- adhering
- adhesive
- adipose
- adjoining
- adjuvant
- administrative
- admirable
- admiring
- admissible
- admitted
- admitting
- admonitive
- admonitory
- adolescent
- adoptable
- adopted
- adopting